Safer Behaviour Code

We will treat everyone with dignity and respect.
We will use age and ability appropriate language and tone of voice.
We will be aware of our body language and the effect we are having on a child or an adult at risk.
We will listen well to everyone. We will be careful not to assume that we know what a child or adult at risk is thinking or feeling. We will listen to what is being spoken and how it is said. We will observe the person’s body language as we listen.
We will record any physical contact we have with a child or adult at risk, eg: if we need to stop a fight, administer first aid, give a hug, etc.
We will never make sexually suggestive comments about, or to, a child or adult at risk, even if we feel that these are said “in fun”.
We will never scapegoat, belittle, ridicule or reject a child or an adult at risk.
We will keep a record of significant incidents or concerns on a Safeguarding Incident Form which can be found in the Church Office.